
Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Ry Guy Report: 5 Months

Ry Guy celebrating pumpkin season (thanks to my aunt for the adorable hat!)
Weight 17 lbs (got the scale fixed... looks like I over estimated last month)

Length  25 inches

  • Rolls halfway over (from back to side, but can't quite make it all the way over yet).
  • Sits up with support.
  • Grasps and shakes objects (he's got a good grip!!).
  • Sleeps "through the night" (by clinical definition - more than 6 hours at a time.  But, since he goes to bed around 7:30, this still means I get up to feed him in the early morning, then he goes back to bed until around 7 a.m.).  But, this is a vast improvement.
  • Is increasingly interested in eating (loves to watch Mom and Dad at the dinner table).
  • Starting to exhibit teething symptoms.
  • Mimics Mommy's funny faces (sticking tongue out, etc.)
  • Chewing/sucking on his fingers... preferably as many at a time as he can cram in his mouth.
  • Seeing what's going on.  All the time.
  • His toes.
  • Sitting up.
  • Drooling... puddles.  On everything.
  • Burrowing his face in Mommy's neck when he's tired.
  • Napping.  He is doing better with falling asleep at night, but daytime naps are still a real struggle.
  • His carseat (or anything that requires him to be strapped in and reclining).
The Quotable Ry Guy  "[belly laugh] or [scream]".  Depends on his mood. :)


  1. Such a cutie!! Hope you guys are enjoying your new home!!

  2. I can't stand how cute he is!!!! I love the adorable fall pics and the wonderful update. We need to talk soon, and remind me to tell you what I got Ry for Christmas (since I shopped off your Amazon list). Can't wait to mail them to you!!

    1. Definitely... I'll give you a call when I get a minute during Ry's nap sometime this week. Love ya!

  3. Oh, Gramma just wants to pinch those cheeks! Miss you all so much!
    Love and kisses,
